Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

As a Fraternity, AOII is committed to Inspiring Ambition, not just through our words, but also through action. As one of our five AOII Ends, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is an integral part of our values as an organization, but also a part of what we do in our collegiate chapters and in the international organization.

Our Diversity Policy

Alpha Omicron Pi recognizes that diversity is integral to a well-rounded membership experience and that each potential new member and member possesses special characteristics that they can contribute to the organization. The Fraternity seeks to nurture merit, talent, and achievement by supporting diversity, particularly acknowledging the need to remove barriers to the selection, retention, and advancement of our potential new members and members.

Alpha Omicron Pi does not participate in or tolerate harassment of, or discrimination or retaliation against, potential new members or members based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or other characteristics protected by state or federal law. Because we are a women’s organization, membership is open only to those who consistently live and identify as women.

The Fraternity respects each member’s choice to use feminine and/or gender-neutral pronouns or to decline the use of pronouns. The Fraternity believes that all individuals are unique, with inherent worth and dignity, and should be treated with respect.

Resources for Collegiate Chapters

AOII’s collegiate officer structure includes a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, who is responsible for collaborating with other team members to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for members and oversee the creation and implementation of chapter programming on topics related to DEI. In small chapters, this role is an important part of the VP of Programming & Enrichment and in medium and large chapters, one officer is fully dedicated to holding this position and carrying out these duties.

The Fraternity provides training, officer resources, and workshop curriculum to assist these collegiate officers in successfully carrying out the duties of their role. Officer curriculum is created, revised, and supported by a dedicated group of appointed AOII alumnae volunteers who serve on a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion standing committee and have a wide variety of DEI, educational, and corporate expertise.

While AOII provides resources to support officers in their role, we know that each chapter has members with their own experiences and interests that make the ideal programming plan unique to each chapter and campus. We also know that the best resources for facilitating engaging and impactful programming are the people and organizations available locally on campus and in the community. Chapters are encouraged to tailor their DEI programming and utilize campus experts, offices, and organizations to fit the chapter’s needs and desires for DEI programs.


Align, Educate & Participate

AOII’s DEI programming philosophy focuses on encouraging members to align themselves with a cause, educate themselves on DEI topics, and be active participants in change.

Align Yourself with a Cause

  • Examine your values and how your actions outwardly reflect upon those values.
  • Listen thoughtfully to those whose experiences differ from your own.
  • Hold yourself accountable to call out instances of injustice.

Educate Yourself on the Topic

  • Take initiative to independently seek out knowledge without relying upon others to teach you.
  • Read articles, books, speeches, and website from a variety of perspectives.
  • Reflect upon art, movies, comedy, and literature through a lens of empathy and understanding.
  • Encourage conversation among your peers and family.
  • Attend campus events hosted by cultural organizations.


  • Identify groups or organizations with goals and values similar to your own.
  • Donate as you are able to organizations that support those impacted by injustice or violence.
  • Exercise your right to vote for officials at every level who advocate for the principles in which you believe.
  • Use any platform at your disposal to raise awareness for injustice and violations of humanity.
  • Remain committed to your own education and engagement over time, in the absence of heavy news coverage.

AOII Int’l HQ Holiday Closure Notice
Please note that AOII International Headquarters will be closed from 5 p.m. CT on December 13 through 8 a.m. CT on January 2. For emergencies, please contact the emergency contacts listed on the Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity website. For facility emergencies, please call our 24/7 Property Management Emergency Line at (615) 695-2684. For AlphaLink assistance, click here to submit a support ticket.

Happy Holidays from Alpha Omicron Pi!