Ritual: Refresh, Explore, And Discover = Ritual Education Docent

in RT&J

By Mary Matarazzo Bryant, Delta Omega (Murray State U), Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee

Our AOII Ritual bonds all members together in Alpha Omicron Pi. However, if members don’t feel comfortable performing it, getting into the meaning of Ritual and applying its principles can be difficult.

To assist collegiate chapters with Ritual performance, last year the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee (RT&J) created a task force of alumnae members to serve as Ritual Education Docents (REDs). The sole purpose of this Task Force is to share one specific Ritual education workshop with as many collegiate chapters as possible.

The use of “docent” emphasizes the historical importance of our Ritual and that it comes to each member through the years unchanged from our Founders. From communications with collegiate chapters and advisers, RT&J became aware of the increasing need for individualized attention regarding interpretation, effective performance, and application of Ritual in members’ daily individual and collective lives. To help make such education accessible, RT&J set up the task force so REDs can be available to conduct Ritual workshops with minimal travel expenses to the chapters. There are more than 20 REDs located throughout all the Networks.

The 3-hour workshop provided by RT&J and the REDs focuses on the logistics for performing the Ritual for Formal Meetings of Collegiate Chapters. Expenses for travel, room, and board are the responsibility of the collegiate chapter.

During the last year, chapters have contacted their RT&J Network liaisons and arranged to have a workshop from a RED. After the workshop, chapters were asked, “What did they most appreciate/enjoy/think was best about the workshop?”

“I appreciated the explanation of the importance of certain aspects of our Ritual. I felt our members walked away with a deeper sense of appreciation and understanding of why our Ritual is important and how it exemplifies our chapter’s values. As the current KOR, I feel more confident that Ritual participants are prepared after this educational workshop.”

“I liked how applicable it was to our chapter and how it was tailored towards our weaknesses and addressing them. I also liked that we learned the background behind why we do certain things certain ways. It made it more meaningful.”

“I enjoyed how she presented in a friendly manner and made it easy for members to learn. Our newly initiated sisters were nervous and having someone who was a good presenter made them more comfortable with Ritual. Overall, I think this workshop was a great introduction to Ritual for new members.”

What I felt was best about the workshop was having the opportunity to walk through the small things in Ritual that might get overlooked that make it more simple, seamless, and beautiful.”

RT&J is excited about making this additional option for Ritual education available to collegiate chapters. Chapters can take advantage of this opportunity to Refresh, Explore and Discover Ritual by contacting their RT&J Network Liaisons. We look forward to working with you to coordinate your workshop.

For anything Ritual-related, please feel free to contact RT&J at rt&j@alphaommicronpi.org.

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